Ribosome structure

Organized access to atomic structures of the ribosome.

Why not just use the Protein Data Bank?
- we implement standard nomenclatures1 2 3 for polymer chains (RNA and proteins) across all structures. - provide structural landmarks: PTC, exit tunnel geometries, ligands & small molecules. - provide integrated tools for visualization, structural alignment, ligand prediction.

API is available at api.ribosome.xyz for programmatic access to the data.

RiboXYZ: a comprehensive database for visualizing and analyzing ribosome structures

Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 51, Issue D1, 6 January 2023


We kindly thank the following platforms and packages for making their work freely available or supporting us otherwise.
Developed by A. Kushner and K. Dao Duc
  title={RiboXYZ: a comprehensive database for visualizing and analyzing ribosome structures},
  author={Kushner, Artem and Petrov, Anton S and Dao Duc, Khanh},
  journal={Nucleic Acids Research},
  volume={51}, number={D1}, pages={D509--D516},
  publisher={Oxford University Press}