Data for nonpolymer-ligand binding sites across deposited structures and predictions derived from it.
Multiple classes of antibiotics and their binding sites identified on the structure 7K00 (due to Watson et al., 2021) of the E. coli ribosome.
Coordinates, primary sequence annotations and structural landmarks. Displayed are the Nascent Peptide Exit Tunnel (NPET) geometries produced via the PTC and constriction site landmarks.
Geometry of human ribosome exit tunnel with parts ofuL22uL4eL39proteins displayed.
Geometry of bacterial ribosome tunnel with parts ofuL4uL22uL23proteins displayed. A molecule oferythromycinis present.
The geometry of human mitochondrial ribosome exit tunnel with parts ofuL4muL22muL23mproteins displayed.Nascent chainis traversing the tunnel.
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@article{kushner2023riboxyz, title={RiboXYZ: a comprehensive database for visualizing and analyzing ribosome structures}, author={Kushner, Artem and Petrov, Anton S and Dao Duc, Khanh}, journal={Nucleic Acids Research}, volume={51}, number={D1}, pages={D509--D516}, year={2023}, publisher={Oxford University Press} }
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